Wisata Bahari Lamongan

A day after D3SCHO.
I went to WBL by motorcycle during 2,5 hours. Oh, it's so annoying.
Tired? No...no...no !!
It's better than stay and sleep at my boarding house.
Yeah! I really went to Wisata Bahari Lamongan. Last time i went there at 9th JHS grade. WBL still empty and quiet. It was built 3 months before it.
lächeln :)

I went with my someone special. It's very lucky because in WBL not too crowded and nothing long queue. I try all frighten vehicle, of course it's not complete with SCREAM.

 Here, beach! The summer breeze blow smoothly. I say 'subhanallah' because i fascinated with the scenery.
The vehicle called Paus dangdut, but it's too bad, it was not operated.
Permainan air. It's not frightened, but's it's so annoying. There's many proximity sensor which can detect body heat and spray water to us !
 Huaaa....it's a very-very frightening vehicle! it called ranger. Ranger like Kora-Kora at Dunia Fantasi. But the tilt angle more craggy! It can rotate 360 degrees. My head below, and otherwise. I scream loudly, my face like a ridiculous girl. It make me not only want to vomited, but also die.
Are you trust that??
Ha? don't trust? You can try, and let's see!!
I'm the Tortoise Princess! :D

The sun sets, it's a nature sign that allow me to leave WBL. Auf wiedersehen :'D

Unesia Drajadispa

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